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Running to God

Life has it's up's and down's. It's trials and it's tribulations.

Every time I go through these, I seem to mess it up. I seem to repeat my old behaviours and instead of running to God I shout at him.

God wants us to see him as a Father God, not as someone stern, angry and always disappointed in our actions. His love for us is far greater, then we could imagine; and I know, that even though I repeat the same behaviour he shows me grace; and He gives me the freedom to try again. He doesn't shout at me, like I shout at him, he doesn't argue with me back. He forgives, and moves on, and I aim to run into His arms.

I was tidying my daughters room, this evening, and came across a prayer book I had bought for her a couple of months ago. It had got hidden under the pile of junk.

As we chose what prayer to read, I felt God telling me, that this is how he wants me to see Him. Underneith the mess, the junk and whatever cloggs up our lives. He still is there wanting to spend time with us, and wanting us to grow in His Character. He wants us to have a child like approach to Him. And when we have our up's and downs, and trials and tribulations, he wants us to run to him, to the Fathers arms.

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