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Dealing with Anger, having freedom.

The last few months, I have been trying to deal with some anger issues that have been controlling my life. Anger, is not something to feel ashamed about. Life throws things at us, and it leads to disappointmens, a situation that happens can trigger something in our brain that brings back a memory and we can easily feel angry. Instead of pushing it to the side, and feeling grateful for our situation, we end up feeling fearful, worried and the more we think like this, we start to feel angry.

This year, has been teaching me how to be more 'thankful' and dealing with my anger.

Not only, have I learnt anger has made my health worse, but it affects relationships if the core issue is not dealt with straight away, and then anger leads to resentment and bitterness. Anger, has also crushed my soul, leaving me disappointed and frustrated with God, and blocking me from pursing what he wants.

So, I could go on and on - but I hope you get the picture of what I am trying to say.

One day this week, the day after a counselling session, and I felt I didn't want to feel angry anymore.

Why, should, I let anger fill my day up, where I have been given a second chance after my heart surgery. The thing that made me feel angry for a long time has been suffering with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

People with Rheumatoid have a constant battle to keep inflamation on the joints under control if not on the the correct medication. This has resulted, in stiffness in the mornings, and regular flare ups resulting in fluid being drained of the knee, and also causes chorinc tiredness.

When you deal with an ongoing chroinc illness, its easy to let ourselves be defined by it, and label ourselves. But we are still who God created us to be. We are still acting as his children.

Then one, day I woke up not feeling angry, was a relief. My day felt better, and I felt I could get on with what I needed to do not feeling stresed or wound up.

So, I guess somewhere, along the line, my thankful journey this year has been, some how helping.

If you struggle with the same issues, I would encourage people do buy themselves a note book, either to write why you are angry with a prayer or to use as a thankful journal. It will start you on the road to freedom, and a life where you can see clearly instead of things looking hazy, and your soul feeling crushed.

Proverbs 15:18 A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, but he who is slow to anger quiets contention.

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